Experimenting with Scratch

Within the first minute of the Scratch video, I had already stopped it so I could start blogging because I was so intrigued by the idea of being able to create your own video games or animated stories! I like to think of myself as somewhat Internet savvy but I’ve quickly learned I am not as advanced as I thought I was. I’m also not artistic or creative but by having samples and examples, I worked off of those to create an interesting picture! It amazed me how many possibilities there were, they were endless! Not only did I like Scratch for myself, I emailed the link to my family so my little brother could try it out! There’s not many things that are appropriate and interactive for all ages, but fortunately, this is one! Not only was it fun when I created my animation of a man falling into the white house and a cat chasing after him trying to save him, HAHA, but it would also be useful for a project that did not have specific guidelines instead of using PowerPoint all the time as we discussed in class. I got sidetracked by making up drawings and trying to design a game that I realized 30 minutes had passed without even noticing it! This will be the next app that I will spend majority of my time on!

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